
Titan is proud to have many women in key leadership, coordination and technical roles, giving the Company a competitive advantage

The Company embraces gender diversity, and ethnic and cultural diversity, and fosters an environment of inclusion for employees, and in turn our business to thrive.

Titan values the contribution of its many female employees, and actively seeks to empower them, providing them with promotional opportunities whenever they arise.

We are very proud of the large number of female employees in key management and technical roles and believe that they bring our operational and technical capabilities significant efficiencies and advantages.

The below statistics summarise current levels of female employees within the organisation:

  • Board & CEO: 3 men (75%), 1 woman (25%)
  • Managers: 3 women (60%), 2 men (40%)
  • Coordinators: 3 women (50%), 3 men (50%)
  • Senior Project Geologist: 1 woman (100%), 0 men (0%)
  • Project Geologists: 3 women (50%), 3 men (50%)

Importantly, the Company also strives to employ locally wherever possible, and many of our employees (77%) come from the project area and surrounding towns.

The below figure provides an insight into Titan’s employees by location.

While the majority (96%) of employees are Ecuadorian, some cultural diversity is captured in the board and management team, with representation from Ecuador, Chile, Canada and Australia. This cross section of cultures allows for considered decision making and superior performance.